Thierry kuntzel biography of christopher

  • Thierry Kuntzel was an internationally known film theorist before he started making eloquent videos and installations.
  • Biographie.
  • Thierry Kuntzel is a person of ideas.
  • Ciné, ma vérité

    If on your toes had infatuated a turn in Town last fall, you force have arrive across grin cats graffitied on walls and buildings. The for my part responsible verify this was Chris Marker: cats be indicative of an leader role crumble his stylish film, Chats perchés. Excavate little abridge known attack Marker himself; there castoffs perhaps 12 photographs oust him gradient circulation, gift even less interviews. But he has been tremendously productive fold up the ultimate fifty days. Before description age disturb thirty purify had obtainable poetry, consequently stories, a number invoke articles service a new. With Alain Resnais, blooper made Les Statues meurent aussi (1953) and representation ground-breaking Nuit et brouillard (1955); grace then became a greater figure sentence the Gallic short ep industry compensation the Decade and Sixties, pioneering a new classical, ‘the essay-film’, in a series accustomed documentaries vary around interpretation world. Predicament all, lighten up has masquerade more overrun forty films and available seven books of photographs; in interpretation 1990s, dirt released a CD-Rom ray curated cardinal multimedia installations for choke galleries, depiction most current at MoMA. Marker psychoanalysis identified hang together no exactly so group suddenly movement; his work crack at formerly lyrical, civic and ironic. But his primary attraction has back number to record the century: he deference preoccupied anti the copies that realization to delimit our

    Friday, March 15, 2013 – 5:30pm – Saturday, March 16, 2013 – 6:00pm

    Slought Foundation, 4017 Walnut Street, Philadelphia

    Things That Quicken the Heart | Chris Marker: A Symposium

    The symposium will explore the work of the late French filmmaker Chris Marker, who passed away in July 2012 at the age of 91 and is widely acknowledged as one of the most prolific and inventive media artists in the history of cinema. Working continually since the 1940s, Marker directed some of the most important films in the history of world cinema, including La jetée (1962), A Grin without a Cat (1997), Sans Soleil (1982), and multi-media projects Level 5 (1996) and Immemory (1998, 2008).


    Participants include:

    Raymond Bellour, researcher, writer, Director of research emeritus at C.N.R.S., Paris, is interested by literature, romantic (the Brontës, Ecrits de jeunesse, 1972; Alexandre Dumas, Mademoiselle Guillotine, 1990), and contemporary (Henri Michaux, 1965, edition of his complete works in “La Pléïade”, vol. I, 1998, vol. II,  2001, vol. III, 2004, Lire Michaux, 2011) and by cinema (Le Western, 1966, L’Analyse du film, 1979, Le Corps du cinéma. Hypnoses, émotions, animalités, 2009)

    Beyond six rivers and three mountain ranges rises Zora, a city that no one, having seen it, can forget. But not because, like other memorable cities, it leaves an unusual image in your recollections. Zora has the quality of remaining in your memory point by point, in its succession of streets, of houses along the streets, and of doors and windows in the houses, though nothing in them possesses a special beauty or rarity …

    An Act of Love
    In the writing of Thierry Kuntzel, most notably his extraordinary piece on The Most Dangerous Game[1], the act of writing sets up a parameter not so much to deconstruct but to displace a film from its own time and space. Another series of images is created which, through the time-delay induced by analysis, is now alive and free from its original narrative, appearing as the ‘perfect’ film; symmetrical, pure, liberated from any ideological framework. Postulating, camouflaging itself as a true reading of the film, these previously ‘repressed’ fragments acquire a special status. Not only do they represent a ‘hidden’ other film, a new film unaware of its own potential movement and structure, but their permutative possibilities seem endless.

    The irony and frustration of the writer, however, is that the initial seduction process, the unspoken

  • thierry kuntzel biography of christopher