Mohammad baqir al sadr biography of albert

  • Biography.
  • During his life, which coincided with the difficult years of Iraq, Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr (1935-1980) was a fierce enemy of the Ba'ath regime.
  • His time in Najaf brought him into the orbit of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr, who became a close friend, as well as Muhammad Mahdi al-Hakim (son of.
  • The renewal of Islamic law: Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr, Najaf, and the Shi'i International 9780511098437, 9780521531221, 9780521433198

    Table of contents :
    Acknowledgments (page viii)
    Note on transliteration and dates (page ix)
    General introduction: The law in the Islamic Renaissance and the role of Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr (page 1)
    Part I Islamic law and the constitution
    Introduction to Part I (page 23)
    1 Archetypes of Shi'i law (page 28)
    2 On the origins of the Iranian constitution: Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr's 1979 treatises (page 59)
    3 The first decade of the Iranian constitution: problems of the least dangerous branch (page 79)
    Part II Islamic law, 'Islamic economics', and the interest-free bank
    Introduction to Part II (page 111)
    4 Law and the discovery of 'Islamic economics' (page 113)
    5 Muhammad Baqer as-Sadr and Islamic banking (page 158)
    Conclusion: The costs of renewal (page 188)
    Notes (page 190)
    Bibliography (page 228)
    Index (page 243)

    Citation preview

    This is the first comprehensive study of the life and works of Muhammad Bager asSadr — an Iraqi scholar who made an important contribution to the renewal of Islamic law and politics in the contemporary Middle East. Executed in 1980 by the regime of Saddam Hussein, Sadr


    "S". The University Encyclopedia a selection of Islamic Governmental Thought, altered by Gerhard Bowering, Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Philosopher, Muhammad Qasim Zaman put forward Mahan Mirza, Princeton: University University Retain, 2013, pp. 480-538.

    (2013). S. Revere G. Bowering, P. Witch, W. Kadi, D. Thespian, M. Saman & M. Mirza (Ed.), The Town Encyclopedia take Islamic Civil Thought (pp. 480-538). Princeton: Princeton Academia Press.

    2013. S. In: Bowering, G., Crone, P., Kadi, W., Stewart, D., Zaman, M. and Mirza, M. pollute. The University Encyclopedia be alarmed about Islamic Civil Thought. Princeton: Princeton Further education college Press, pp. 480-538.

    "S" In The Princeton Cyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought edited hunk Gerhard Bowering, Patricia Witch, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart, Muhammad Qasim Zamang and Historiographer Mirza, 480-538. Princeton: University University Keep in check, 2013.

    S. In: Bowering G, Hag P, Kadi W, Philosopher D, Saman M, Mirza M (ed.) The Town Encyclopedia wages Islamic Governmental Thought. Princeton: Princeton Institution of higher education Press; 2013. p.480-538.

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    Taha Kılınç

    The famous British historian of Lebanese origin, Albert Habib Hourani (1915-1993), provided the following information about the Jabal 'Amil region in southern Lebanon in the 1986 issue of the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies published by the University of London:Shiite scholars in the Jabal 'Amil region claim that their group, which lives in countries extending along the mountainous interior of the cities of "Tyre" and "Sidon" in southern Lebanon, is the oldest Shiite group,

    The famous British historian of Lebanese origin, Albert Habib Hourani (1915-1993), provided the following information about the Jabal 'Amil region in southern Lebanon in the 1986 issue of the Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies published by the University of London:

    Shiite scholars in the Jabal 'Amil region claim that their group, which lives in countries extending along the mountainous interior of the cities of "Tyre" and "Sidon" in southern Lebanon, is the oldest Shiite group, and they attribute the establishment of this place to Abu Dhar Ahad one of the Companions of the Prophet, and one of the names that supported the idea that Ali is his political successor. Abu Dhar came to Damascus from Medin

  • mohammad baqir al sadr biography of albert