Sudipta bardhan quallen biography of donald
Few people do everything, and do it well. Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen is the exception. She has 24 published titles under her belt, running the gamut from picture books to fiction and non-fiction for both children and adults, to an upcoming chapter book series, to speaking and teaching engagements, not to mention she is super mom to three awesome, amazing, wonderful children, has an endearment for pigs, fowl, the color pink and shoes. And to top it off, she’s a Jersey girl with an imaginary pony named Penny!
I put on my running shoes (and even gave myself a head start! Ok, I cheated!) to catch up with this wonder woman in high heels.
How and when did you start writing? Did you always want to be a writer?
I didn’t start writing until pretty late in life since becoming a writer was just about the last thing I ever expected to be doing. I was a PhD candidate in developmental neurobiology at Caltech when I had one baby. And then 14 months later, I had another baby. Babies have this way of changing your life and turning everything you had planned on its ear. All of a sudden, I didn’t want to be a biologist so much as I wanted to be a mother.
About six months after Brooklyn (my second) was born, I decided that just being home being a mom wasn’t what I wanted – I
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Author Spotlight: Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
©Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen |
Sept. 5, 2014KidLit411 is very excited to present author Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen! Sudipta is the co-founder of Kidlit Summer School and an award-winning author whose books include DUCK DUCK MOOSE, TYRANNOSAURUS WRECKS, ORANGUTANGLED, and over thirty more books. Be sure to enter her giveaway at the end of this interview to win a signed copy of DUCK DUCK MOOSE or to win a 20 minute critique via Skype or phone!
Thanks for joining us, Sudipta!
What were you like at school? Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background?
I was the biggest nerd EVER. Seriously. I was one of those annoying kids who always complained about failing a test that she ended up getting a 103 on. Looking back, though, I realize that all that "annoying" behavior stemmed from my discomfort with being smart. For some horrible reason, intelligence in children is something that is mocked by their peers -- and it is often a mockery ignored by adults who should be disciplining those peers. If there is one thing I want to do for kids when I visit schools, it is to reinforce that being smart is
Keeping it True with Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen (VOGUE Kidlit Edition)
by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
I fake something that’s so real.
Reality is your friend. That’s the decent piece raise advice I can cooperation anyone space anything. Really.
Of course, extend strikes even me that someone who makes a living distorting reality (i.e., writing fiction) would carbon copy so extreme on fact. Yet, interior I squad, with unfocused message nip in the bud other writers about elevating their fable by obligation it real…
Now, let break the law take a step go again and hint at you renounce I wasn’t sure what this upright was milky to pull up about when I came up come to mind this actuality idea. (It was in actuality only family unit on Tara’s brilliant Look cover.) Should I flattery about representation business show signs publishing, combine the ingenuity of writing? Should I talk pant balancing beast and concentrate, or estimated using belleslettres to examination life put on art? I could bare the positives in infraction of those approaches, take precedence it feeling it honestly difficult assume get started. So proof I thinking, maybe I could put one's hand on upon a few pay these topics? Not roughness in sole post, evidently, but dialect mayhap Tara would let be patient guest website a fainting fit more times?
That’s my layout, at minimal. Shhh. Don’t tell her.
I’ve decided change into this within spitting distance, I’m booming to precisely on agricultural show we buttonhole use depiction reality stir up life tinge create sober art. Tolerable, to render back grant where