Zenobe gramme biography of abraham
Please consider contributing or extending the following entries. For more information about making contributions, see the page on contributing. Please send contributions to scienceworld@wolfram.com.
Abbe, Ernst (1840-1905)
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892)
Aepinus, Franz (1724-1802)
Agricola, Georgius (1494-1555)
Airy, George (1801-1892)
Ames, Bruce
Andrews, George E.
Appell, Paul Emile (1855-1930)
Armstrong, Edwin (1890-1954)
Arnol'd, Vladimir
Askey, Richard A.
Baldwin, John
Banach, Stefan
Bardeen, John (1908-1991)
Barnard, Edward Emerson (1857-1923)
Barnes, Ernest (1874-1953)
Barthez, Paul (1734-1806)
Bell, Charles (1774-1842)
Bell, Eric Temple (1883-1960)
Bernoulli, Nicholas (1695-1726)
Berti, Gaspar (ca. 1600-1643)
Betti, Enrico (1823-1892)
Bézout, Étienne (1730-1783)
Bhabha, Homi Jehangir (1909-1966)
Bloembergen, Nicolaas (1920-)
Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738)
Bohm, David Joseph (1917-1992)
Bok, Bart J. (1906-1983)
Bolyai, Farkas (or Wolfgang) (1775-1856)
Borchardt, Karl (1817-1880)
Borel, Emile (1871-1956)
Bourguet, Louis (1678-1742)
Boussinesq, Valentin Joseph (1842-1929)
Brackett, F. S.
Bradwardine, Thomas (1290-1349)
Bragg, Lawrence William (1891-1971)
Brattain, Walter Houser (1902-1987)
Braun, Wernher von (1912-1977)
Breit, Gregory (1899-)
Pages in variety "Biographies"
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- Charles Babbage
- Giorgio Baccarani
- Robert Bacher
- Henry L. Bachman
- William Bachman
- Richard J. Backe
- Paul Backes
- John Backus
- Ralph H. Baer
- Roel Baets
- R. Iris Bahar
- Victor Bahl
- Austin Bailey
- George W. Bailey
- Stuart Bailey
- William F. Bailey
- John Logie Baird
- Ruzena Bajcsy
- Christopher H. Bajorek
- James K. Baker
- Janet MacIver Baker
- Walter Baker
- William O. Baker
- Earl Bakken
- Hari Balakrishnan
- Constantine A. Balanis
- John W. Balde
- B. Jayant Baliga
- Charles Royalty Ballantine
- Henry Baltes
- Amir Ban
- John William Bandler
- Kaustav Banerjee
- Sanjay Kumar Banerjee
- Avram Bar-Cohen
- Yaakov Bar-Shalom
- Paul Baran
- Richard Gordon Baraniuk
- John S. Baras
- Ivo Barbi
- John Bardeen
- Alexander Barg
- Pier L. Bargellini
- Heinrich Barkhausen
- Harold M. Barlow
- Julius Barnathan
- Howard C. Barnes
- Thomas Pinkney Barnwell, III
- John T.Barr, IV
- Craig R. Barrett
- Harrison H. Barrett
- Walter J. Barrett
- Cecil Barrette
- James Gordon Barrick, Jr.
- Bruce Barrow
- William S. Barstow
- Janet L. Barth
- Lionel O. Barthold
- Jean Bartik
- Karen Bartleson
- Enrique Bartolini
- David K. Barton
- James Barton
- Tamer Basar
- Nikolai G. Basov
- Antonio C. Bastos
- Charles Batchelor
- John W. Batchelo
Timeline of electrical and electronic engineering
Year Event 600 BCE Ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus described static electricity by rubbing fur on substances such as amber. 1600 English scientist William Gilbert coined the word electricus after careful experiments. He also explained the magnetism of Earth. 1660 German scientist Otto von Guericke invented a device that creates static electricity. This is the first ever electric generator. 1705 English scientist Francis Hauksbee made a glass ball that glowed when spun and rubbed with the hand 1720 English scientist Stephen Gray made the distinction between insulators and conductors. 1745 German physicist Ewald Georg von Kleist and Dutch scientist Pieter van Musschenbroek invented Leyden jars. 1752 American scientist Benjamin Franklin showed that lightning was electrical by flying a kite and explained how Leyden jars work. 1780 Italian scientist Luigi Galvani discovered Galvanic action in living tissue. 1785 French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb formulated and published Coulomb's law in his paper Premier Mémoire sur l’Électricité et le Magnétisme. 1785 French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace developed the Laplace transform to transform a linear differ