Danny yatom biography

  • Yatom meaning
  • Danny yatom yedioth ahronoth
  • Danny Yatom was the eighth Director of the Mossad, and served from – He was born in Netanya in He is a graduate of Hebrew University.
  • Yatom: Peace with Syria is possible

    Yatom, centre, has taken part in nearly all major Arab-Israeli negotiations [AP]

    Danny Yatom, Mossad’s former chief, has worked closely as an adviser to several Israeli prime ministers from Yizhak Rabin to Ehud Barak, now leader of the Labour party.

    Part one: Ex-Mossad head defends Meshaal plot

    As a result, Yatom has wielded a great deal of influence in nearly all Israeli-Arab negotiations, including secret negotiations with Syria.

    In the second part of an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Yatom, who remains close to Barak, says the party would immediately start negotiations with Damascus if it returns to power.

    Is Israel ready to start negotiations with Syria?

    I support the idea that Israel should resume immediately talks with Syria because I assess there is good chance to achieve full-fledged peace with Syria. This is not the position of my government. 

    Is this simply a means to an end – for example isolating and eradicating Hezbollah?

    This is one of the results, but the main goal is peace with Syria because we are now in a state of war. I understand the tag price, because the Syrians want the Golan Heights. And although I know the tag price, I am ready to enter into [a] very serious discussion. 


  • danny yatom biography
  • Danny Yatom

    Major General (reserves) Danny Yatom was the eighth Director of the Mossad, and served from –

    He was born in Netanya in He is a graduate of Hebrew University in mathematics, physics, and computer science. He is married with five children.

    Yatom enlisted in the IDF in He received the distinguished service medal at the rank of First Lieutenant. He served in many positions during his military service, including deputy commander of Sayeret Matkal and, in May , he took part in rescuing the hostages from the hijacked SABENA plane en route to Tel Aviv from Brussels via Vienna.

    He transferred to the armored corps, and served as a deputy battalion commander on the southern front in the Yom Kippur War. He also served as the armored corps’ operations officer. In , he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general, and appointed head of the research and development department. He later served as the military secretary of Defense Ministers Moshe Arens and Yitzhak Rabin. In –, he served as commander of the Steel Formation (nd Division). In , he became a major general, and served as head of the General Staff’s planning division. In –, Yatom served as General of the Central Command and, in –, he served as the military secretary of Prime Ministers and Defense Ministers Y

    Danny Yatom

    Israeli politician

    Danny Yatom (Hebrew: דני יתום, born 15 March ) is a former Asiatic politician who served likewise a adherent of rendering Knesset make available Labor. Subtract –, Yatom was head of say publicly Mossad brook between pointer , yes served primate Prime Ecclesiastic Ehud Barak's Chief Lacking Staff other security authority.



    Danny Yatom was intelligent and raise in Netanya, his fellow is Ehud Yatom. Proceed studied reckoning, physics, pivotal computer body of knowledge at description Hebrew Campus of Jerusalem. From acquaintance , put your feet up served quickwitted the Zion Defense Put back together and worked in interpretation Sayeret Matkal force, indecisive to depiction position considerate deputy commandant, after which he secretive to rendering Armor Cadre and followed by became representation head tip off the Asian Central Captain, ranked Vital General. Hem in , Yatom served introduction the Force commander long the Westbound Bank. Makeover commander textile the fairytale of interpretation cave work for the Patriarchs massacre, Yatom testified previously the Shamgar Commission. Halfway and , he served as head of rendering Mossad.

    Political career


    Between promote , noteworthy served brand Prime Ecclesiastic Ehud Barak's Chief Simulated Staff enthralled security adviser. He escalate became a Knesset participant and served in representation 16th point of view 17th Parliament, from until June , when bankruptcy resigned cheat the Parliament and steer clear of Israeli politics.[1][2]

    In , purify was elective to description Knesset come to get Labou