Susan cahn historian meaning

  • Meaning.” Cahn, a member of the UB history faculty since , is known for her publications on the history of women and sports, and research in U.S. women's.
  • Susan Cahn's first edition of Coming on Strong, originally published in , serves as a touchstone for the study of gender and sexuality in sport.
  • Focusing on the period from to , Susan Cahn reveals how both the life of the South and the meaning of adolescence underwent enormous.
  • Coming On [and Staying] Strong: Gender become calm Sexuality corner Twentieth-Century Women's Sport

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  • susan cahn historian meaning
  • UB historian Susan Cahn receives prestigious visiting fellowship at Vanderbilt’s Robert Penn Warren Center

    BUFFALO, N.Y. – Susan K. Cahn, PhD, of Buffalo, professor in the University at Buffalo Department of History, has been named the William S. Vaughn Visiting Fellow at the Vanderbilt University Robert Penn Warren Center for the academic year.

    She is one of seven Warren Center fellows to participate in the center’s annual year-long interdisciplinary faculty seminar whose theme this year is “Diagnosis in Context: Culture, Politics and the Construction of Meaning.”

    Cahn, a member of the UB history faculty since , is known for her publications on the history of women and sports, and research in U.S. women's history, history of sexuality, African-American history, southern history, feminist theory and LGBQ (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Queer) studies.  Her current research is on the gendered history of mental illness with a focus on borderline personality disorder.

    Cahn, who will receive a $50, stipend from Vanderbilt, will study the production of diagnoses, the various meanings ascribed to them across time and place, and what they do for individuals and communities trying to navigate the elusive boundaries between health and disease.

    Cahn is th

    Cahn, Susan K. Coming on Strong: Gender and Sexuality in Women’s Sport (2nd edition). Urbana, Chicago, & Springfield: University of Illinois Press, Pp. xiii+ Notes, index, and black and white photographs. $95 hardcover, $25 paperback.

    Reviewed by Colleen English

    Susan Cahn’s first edition of Coming on Strong, originally published in , serves as a touchstone for the study of gender and sexuality in sport. Read by many (and not only those scholars with a specific interest in women’s sport, gender, and/or sexuality), her book deftly handles nearly a century’s worth of sport history. In Coming on Strong, Cahn, drawing from both primary sources, including periodicals, newspapers, journals, and interviews, and relevant secondary literature, analyzes “the persistent but unsteady tension between female athleticism and male-defined sport” (p. 6). From the growth of women’s competitive athletics in the early twentieth century, to the development of the All-American Girls Baseball League, to the unique issues encountered by African American and lesbian athletes, the book addresses a number of important challenges faced by women athletes in the twentieth century. Cahn does this, in part, by looking at the intersections between gender, sexuality, ra