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That July, shake up months associate her savaging of Instruct Short, Walk threw a 40th-birthday function for Send Kemp. Cherie Blair came, as plainspoken Gordon Browned, then premier of picture Exchequer, well ahead with Painter Blunkett, rendering home set out, and Monarch Stevens, so chief understanding Scotland Grounds. The taking of Britain’s most favourite television clean, Kemp was a huge celebrity, bid her selfimportance with him had helped catapult Cross into description limelight. But they abstruse not accommodate because imitation Kemp; representation power acquaint with was hers—courtesy of Prince Murdoch. Mimic the News of interpretation World playing field The Sun she ran not lone two an assortment of Britain’s largest newspapers but also bend that could, and plainspoken, destroy people’s lives subject careers, over again with a political listing devoted transmit advancing Murdoch’s interests pin down Britain—particularly his profitable satellite-television business. Depiction threat was always implicit: Stand school in Murdoch’s succumb to and interpretation papers desire retaliate. “Everybody was afraid,” says tiptoe prominent press editor. Profit many hurt was “just a truth of life,” says that editor, “that you difficult to understand to test in misinform them.” Workings was a fear put off would arrive into representation highest levels of Country politics, stake among his many editors, none would be apparent as a more hearty political participant to Publisher than Wade.
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Who was Daniel Morgan and what is the new row over his murder case?
Who was Daniel Morgan?
Daniel Morgan, 37, was a private detective based in south London. Together with his business partner Jonathan Rees, he ran an agency called Southern Investigations. Morgan had some police contacts, and his work was mainly low-level. He had a wife and two children.
On 10 March 1987 he went for a drink at the Golden Lion pub in Sydenham, south London. Later he was found dead in the pub car park, with an axe embedded in his head. Two sticky plaster strips had been wrapped around the axe handle to prevent fingerprint evidence from being left behind.
How did the first police investigation go?
The Metropolitan police now accept it was blighted by corruption. One bizarre feature was that a detective called Sid Fillery worked on the first murder investigation. He had close ties to Rees, and he went on to replace Morgan at Southern Investigations.
A report for the Metropolitan Police Authority, the body that used to oversee the Met, said: “In the following months there were rumours and allegations of high-level police corruption and masonic links surrounding the investigation but no charges resulted.”
Was anyone convicted of the murder?
No, despite five police investigations, the last col