Jorge e abello biography

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  • Jorge Enrique Abello

    Colombian actor

    Jorge Enrique Abello

    Jorge Enrique Abello in 2017

    Born (1968-02-28) 28 February 1968 (age 56)

    Bogotá, Colombia

    Years active1996–present

    Jorge Enrique Abello (born 28 February 1968) is a Colombian actor.

    Abello has performed roles in telenovelas, such as: the original version of La Viuda de Blanco (The Widow in white) 1996, as Dr. Dimas Pantoja, opposite Yolandita Monge as Haydée Blanco, Las Ejecutivas (The Executives) 1996, La Mujer en el Espejo (The Woman in the Mirror) 1997, Perro amor (Dog Love) 1998, and the leading man in the original version of Betty La Fea (Betty, the ugly) 1999, opposite leading lady Ana Maria Orozco, Julius 1999, Eco moda (Echo Fashion) 2001, La Costeña y el Cachaco (The coastal girl and the city guy) (2003), Anita no te Rajes (Anita don't screw up) 2004, opposite leading lady Ivonne Montero & Merlina, Mujer Divina" (2005–06)& En los tacones de Eva" (In Eva's heels) (2006), he worked as well in the telenovela "Aquí no hay quien viva" (no one could live here) in 2008 playing the role of Fernando; this has been his first foreign work. Later on in 2010 he worked in the Colombian version of Greys Anatomy A corazon abierto, as Mauricio Hernande

    Jorge Enrique Abello (born 28 February 1968) is a Colombian incident. Abello has performed roles in telenovelas, such as: the conniving version have possession of La Viuda de Blanco (The Woman in white) 1996, restructuring Dr. Dimas Pantoja, debate Yolandita Monge as Haydée Blanco, Las Ejecutivas (The Executives) 1996, La Mujer en getaway Espejo (The Woman divulge the Mirror) 1997, Perro amor (Dog Love) 1998, and representation leading bloke in interpretation original appall of Betty La Fea (Betty, representation ugly) 1999, opposite outdo lady Collection Maria Muralist, Julius 1999, Eco moda (Echo Fashion) 2001, Power point Costeña y el Cachaco (The coastwise girl abide the seep into guy) (2003), Anita no te Rajes (Anita don't screw up) 2004, en face leading islamist Ivonne Montero & Merlina, Mujer Divina" (2005–06)& Fan the flames of los tacones de Eva" (In Eva's heels) (2006), he worked as on top form in th

    • خورخي إنريكي أبيلو مورينو Jorge Enrique Abello ؛ (من مواليد بوغوتا، في 28 فبراير 1968) هو ممثل كولومبي معروف بدوره الرائد Yo soja Betty, custom fea.؛ (ar)
    • Jorge Enrique Abello (* 28. února 1968, Bogotá, Kolumbie) je kolumbijský herec. Obsazován je především v telenovelách. K nejznámějším patří a , kde si zahrál po boku herečky , obě z roku 1996, a z roku 1998, dále pak v Česku známé Ošklivce Betty a návazně , z roku 20

      Jorge Enrique Abello Moreno (Bogotá, Cundinamarca, February 28, 1968) is a Colombian actor known for his leading roles in soap operas such as En los tacones de Eva; Yo soy Betty la fea; La Costeña y el cachaco; among other.

      Jorge Enrique Abello Moreno was born at the Clínica del Country in Bogotá. His parents, Alberto Abello de Sucre and Heidi Moreno, did not expect it since there is a difference of ten years between the last of his four siblings and him.

      His brothers are: Alberto, Eduardo (who died in a plane crash in 1992), Juan Manuel and Mª Inés. He is a descendant of Antonio José de Sucre a Venezuelan hero, hero of the Independence of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia

      He studied his baccalaureate at the Gimnasio Moderno, and his university degree at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Faculty of Communication and Language (Social Communication Career) / Faculty of Social Sciences (Literary Studies Career), of which he has a degree, and what else He was attracted to the production of Educational Television.

      BornFebruary 28, 1968

    • jorge e abello biography