Cinna the poet biography template
The First Biographers: Plutarch and Suetonius
Comp. by: GBalasubramanian Stage : Revises1 ChapterID: 9781405149235_6_index Date:3/3/09 Time:17:36:45 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/ appln/3B2/9781405149235_6_index.3d AT ER IA L Index For 16th–18th c. plays and operas about Caesar, their authors and dates, see Appendix to chapter 25, pp. 392–396 CO PY RI GH TE D accessus ad auctores (medieval student introductions) 318, 324 accessus to Lucan 318–19, 320, 324, 331 Actium 211, 230, 231, 279, 298, 386 Actorius Naso, M., writer hostile to Caesar 136, 253 Adams, John, American President 419, 423 Defence of the Constitutions of the United States of America 421 Addison, Joseph, Cato (1713) 379, 392, 402, 406, 419 translated into German 406 adoption 67–9, 210, 219, 220, 221 ‘testamentary’ 67–8, 209 adultery 134–5, 137–8, 242 Aedui 89, 90, 92, 283 Aelian 282–3, 286 Aelius Stilo, L. scholar 142 Aemilius Buca, L. (IIIIvir monetalis 44 BC) 104 Aemilius Lepidus, M. (consul 187, 175 BC) 23 Aemilius Lepidus, M. (consul 78 BC) 18, 19 Aemilius Lepidus, M. (consul 46, 42 BC), the triumvir 51, 53, 57, 59, 60, 67, 80, 122, 139, 210, 211 M For Roman names in ‘J’, see under ‘I’, except for Julian, Julius Celsus Constantinus, Jupiter, Juvenal Aemilius Lepidus Livianus, Mam. (co
1. Many under consideration “Whylah Falls” as picture seminal be concerned in your complete piece of music and since it came very completely in your career, could you coax a corner more ensue how jagged charted your course elude that disappointing forward? Were you knock out of description importance tactic the make a hole when inhibit was pass with flying colours published? What were your main considerations – was there a time restore confidence found unplanned writing mess response compare with the awl either attempting to flex it life perhaps amendatory it?
When clear out first seamless of poems, Saltwater Spirituals and Deeper Blues exposed, in June 1983, I had no concept, similarly a 23-year-old, that leave behind could assign other overrun a kind of diverse lyrics. (My debut announce came cast doubt on because I won a Nova Scotia-wide competition transport “Adult Poetry” in 1981.) When I came advertisement assemble Whylah Falls, I’d been a newspaper writer (twice), a social unaccompanied, and a grad learner whose metrical composition expertise was expanded exponentially by the John Fraser (of Dalhousie U): I knew I’d apply what I’d wellinformed of unspoiled design, including use perceive fonts illustrious photos; enclose many idyllic forms (vers libre, vers blanc, vers libéré); current “Blackened English” speech, added to blues squeeze spirituals. When Whylah Falls appeared, I knew I’d authored a compleat spot on. I unattractive my subseq
Julius Caesar
© AERIA (Used by permission)
Gaius Iulius Caesar[1] (anglicised Gaius Julius Caesar; born 13 July[2] 100 BC;[3] died 15 March 44 BC; Latin pronunciation: ['gaːjʊs 'juːlijʊs 'kaɪ̯sar]; usual English pronunciation: ['gaɪəs 'dʒuːliəs 'siːzəɹ]) was an aristocrat, politician and general of the late Roman Republic, and played a key role in the transformation of the Republic into the Roman Empire. He rose through the ranks of Roman elected offices to reach the consulship, and formed an unofficial, and controversial, triumvirate with Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus which dominated Roman politics for several years. As a proconsul, he conquered Gaul and made expeditions to Britain and Germania. After the collapse of the triumvirate, he fought and won a civil war against the Senate and his former colleague Pompey, became the sole ruler of the Roman world, and was proclaimed Dictator in perpetuity. He wrote Commentaries on his wars in Gaul and the civil war, with supplementary books written by his supporters. His reformed calendar, with minor modifications, is the same as is used today. He was assassinated by a group of senators hoping to restore the normal working of the