12 indian poets fireflies by manohar shetty
The Oxford India Anthology of Twelve Modern Indian Poets
Arvind Krishna Mehrotra (ed)
Mehrotra, Arvind Krishna (ed);
The Oxford India Anthology of Twelve Modern Indian Poets
Oxford University Press , pages
topics: | poetry | anthology | india | english
contains poems by twelve indian english poets: nissim ezekiel, jayanta mahapatra, a.k. ramanujan, arun kolatkar, keki n. daruwalla, dom moraes, dilip chitre, eunice de souza, adil jussawalla,, agha shahid ali vikram seth, and manohar shetty.
both the selections, and also the individual introductions, are superlative. this volume definitely sets the standard for poetry anthologies in india.
having said that, let's begin with my quibbles on the selection.
kamala das?
kamala das is, in my view, the most prominent indian poet who should have belonged here. clearly, mehrotra has his issues with her.. personally though, dom moraes or ezekiel or jussawalla don't excite me as much as das - but then each man to his own poetry
and as his acerbic introductions reveal, mehrotra is going for the subjective. he can castrate even the poets he anthologizes, (see ezekiel intro below). still, one wonders about what mehrotra (and a few others) don't like in kamala das - is she considered "inelegant", her
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Both Sides of The Sky (Post -Independence Indian Poetry in English)
This anthology fulfils the long felt need to have an authentic and comprehensive anthology of Indian poetry in English written in the post-independence era. Brought out under the special 'Golden Jubilee Anthology Series' of the Trust, it covers a wide spectrum of trends and 'schools' of poetry written in English language in India. The anthology also seeks to become a repository of the creative aspirations and dilemmas of the different generations of poets since independence who have chosen to express themselves in a language that now seems to be fully integrated with the socio-political and cultural realities of India.
Eunice de Souza (b. ) retired as Head of the Department of English, St Xavier's College, Mumbai in She has published four books of poems, Fix (), Women in Dutch Painting (), Ways of Belonging () and New and Selected Poems (). Ways of Belonging was awarded The Poetry Book Society Recommendation. She edited Nine Indian Women Poets in , published two novellas, and edited various volumes of 19th and early 20th century poetry, fiction and non-fiction written in English in India.
Looking through old issues of Kavi, a little poetry magazine st