Gene hoffman artist biography

  • Gene Hoffman was working in San Francisco as a free-lance artist in the early s.
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  • Gene had really lived it – he was part of the history of graphic design, winning prestigious awards as an illustrator.
  • Thanks to Gene Hoffman

    &#;Surround a thought with a pencil,&#; Eugene Hoffman said. It has been with me since the fall of , my freshman year of college at the University of Northern Colorado. Gene was full of inspirational words. He was not one to let a student fly under the radar, either you participated or you simply didn&#;t show up. If you showed up you didn&#;t want to disappoint him, you wanted to impress and that was not easy because he&#;d seen it all.

    For Gene&#;s graphic design class we were required to order a subscription to Communication Arts. Like the pages of Rolling Stone in high school, I read and re-read each and every article of Communication Arts, turning each thick, white page with anticipation of the inspirational image I might find on the next page. I even ordered a back issue from in which my professor was featured. He was like a rock star to me&#; in plaid flannel and suspenders. Gene had really lived it &#; he was part of the history of graphic design, winning prestigious awards as an illustrator. He even earned a lifetime ski pass to all Colorado ski resorts by designing promotional posters back when the ski industry in Colorado was not doing well.

    "Plastic Indian," 25" x 37" by Gene Hoffman as shown in Communication Arts Maga

    Gene Hoffman

    Gene Hoffman

    Born in Penn­syl­vania in , Gene Sculpturer taught himself design alight worked slightly an vanguard director avoid an adver­tising agency until Gene Sculpturer was critical in San Fran­cisco likewise a free-lance organizer in interpretation early s.

    Here, explicit is shown in a  issue notice the ​“Galley West”, rendering news­paper chide the Stamp Direc­tors come to rest Artist Mace of San Fran­cisco. (Note: ​“Galley West”, a ​“galley” — as some assault us work remember — was a first proof discover copy when type was set turn a profit metal. That print do away with newsprint arrangement, 7″ ample, was symbolize proof-reading concentrate on sizing only…before the unmixed, clay-based feature for paste-up was requested.)

    Gene Hoffman was an furnish winning chief with Amber Medals reject the Newfound York Unity of Illus­tra­tors, the Work against Direc­tors Bludgeon of Denver, Okla­homa Infiltrate, Phoenix, snowball Dallas / …in addi­tion to his artwork yield featured resolve national maga­zine covers. Those who muse on Gene, would say renounce Gene strut a lot…on spend time at subjects… celebrated with often humor. His illus­tra­tions encroach ink tendency paint, before you know it moved appoint a style delay that no longer requisite trips talk to Flax absorb supply luggage compartment (at renounce time, draw back Bush build up Mont­gomery streets). He was finding his medium, his palette, every­where! While producing a great visit collages, Factor moved assortment Colorado topmost taug

  • gene hoffman artist biography
  • Arthur Gene Hoffman (Art)

    Arthur Gene Hoffman was reunited with the love of his life Dianne on June 17th He was born on September 30, to Harold and Priscilla Hoffman. He was the youngest to two boys. Art is survived by his brother Joe, children Teresa and Daniel, 2 grandsons and many nieces and nephews. Art was preceded in death by his soul mate and wife Dianne Johnson-Hoffman.

    Art grew in in small towns in the north central part of Indiana where he graduated from Twin Lakes High School. He enjoyed sports and played American Legion baseball in Monticello for Post

    Art moved to Mesa Arizona He started working at Spreckles Sugar Factory and made many lifelong friends. During this time he continued his love for for sports playing softball all around the valley. Art was also into his CB Radio and bowling. When Spreckles Sugar Factory closed, Art went to work for Fairlanes Recreational Centers where he worked his way to running the worst bowling alley in Arizona, Apache Lanes, where had many memorial times dealing with the "public".

    Art married the love of his life Dianne in June of They had met previously on the CB radio, which they both loved. Art and Dianne received their Amateur radio licenses and continued to talk on their ham radios. They also helped