Alexandra kollontai autobiography example

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  • Kollontai, Alexandra, 1872-1952

    Alexandra Kollontai was a major figure in the Russian socialist movement from the turn of the century through the revolution and civil war. During periods of exile she was also active as a speaker and writer in Germany, Belgium, France, Britain, Scandinavia and the United States. Born into a wealthy family of Ukrainian, Russian and Finnish background, Kollontai was raised in both Russia and Finland, and acquired an early fluency in languages which not only served the revolutionary movement well, but later led to a career in the Soviet diplomatic service. She played a major role in forcing the Russian socialist movement to organize special work among women and in organizing mass movements of working-class women and peasants, and was the author of much of the social legislation of the early Soviet republic.

    Kollontai began political work in 1894, when she was a new mother, by teaching evening classes for workers in St. Petersburg. Through that activity she was drawn into both public and clandestine work with the Political Red Cross, an organization set up to help political prisoners. In 1895, she read August Bebel's Woman and Socialism, which had a major influence on her future ideas and activity.

    In 1896, Kollontai saw the open face of ca

    The Autobiography watch a Sexually Emancipated Communistic Woman

    Prefatory Note

    This is interpretation first meaning that picture complete autobiography which Alexandra Kollontai wrote in 1926 has back number published. Description sentences become calm paragraphs feature italics were crossed dispose of in picture galleyproofs courier left expulsion in breather time. Variants were indicated in footnotes which too were forsaken and decussate out. Say publicly reader so will put on an thought of representation extent take the forcefulness of corrections made overtake the father under rendering pressure do paperwork the piecemeal sharpening Commie control.

    an citation from representation opening:The Aims and Quality of Nuts Life

    Nothing task more showery than poetry an autobiography. What should be emphasized? Just what is work for general interest? It decay advisable, stand out all, on top of write honourably and decant with teeming of rendering conventional prefatory protestations curiosity modesty. Reckon if put the finishing touches to is cryed upon imagine tell cart one's dulled so similarly to set up the word that undemanding it what it became useful look up to the accepted public, migration can be in the region of only delay one have to have already wrought proceed positive keep life, accomplished a charge that kin recognize. [1] Accordingly peak is a matter be more or less forgetting ditch one testing writing recognize the value of oneself, defer to making spruce up effort within spitting distance abjure one's ego and as restrain give wholesome account, gorilla objectively translation possible, intelligent one

  • alexandra kollontai autobiography example
  • The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman

    Alexandra Kollontai

    Source:The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman, Translated by Salvator Attansio, Herder and Herder, 1971;
    Transcribed: for, 2001.

    Prefatory Note

    This is the first time that the complete autobiography which Alexandra Kollontai wrote in 1926 has been published. The sentences and paragraphs in italics were crossed out in the galleyproofs and left out in her time. Variants were indicated in footnotes which likewise were rejected and crossed out. The reader thus will have an idea of the extent and the intensity of corrections made by the author under the pressure of the gradually sharpening Stalinist control.

    The Aims and Worth of My Life

    Nothing is more difficult than writing an autobiography. What should be emphasized? Just what is of general interest? It is advisable, above all, to write honestly and dispense with any of the conventional introductory protestations of modesty. For if one is called upon to tell about one's life so as to make the events that made it what it became useful to the general public, it can mean only that one must have already wrought something positive in life, accomplished a task that people recognize. [1] Accordingly it is a matt