Fourth grade biography books

  • Children's biography picture books
  • Biographies for 10-year olds
  • Biography chapter books for 4th graders
  • When students are looking for a new book to read, I go to the shelves and hand pick a stack of books for them to peruse.  I’ll start the process by asking them what they’ve read lately and what they liked about those books.  This strategy works because it is built on choice and trust.  I’m enthusiastic about books and I never force a book on a kid.  They get to choose what to read.

    It’s also a solid strategy because it gets my students reading the “right” book faster.  Full disclosure, I first learned it from the The Book Whisperer and then made it my own with some tweaking.  Donalyn Miller has some great strategies to get kids reading.  You can check her out here.Having explained that part of my strategy, you’ll understand how easy it is to slip a really great biography, autobiography or memoir into that stack of books.  It is exciting to me when I see a kid venture out of their “preferred” genre and introduce them to the often mind blowing experience of reading the true stories of some pretty amazing people.

    And when that happens, the conversation I have with one of my lovies goes something like this: “Mrs. K.  This really happened?  This story is like, for real?” 

    Me, “Yup.”   

    This is the truth:  no matter who we are or how old we are, we are always looking for som

    Fourth Grade Sort Collection Biography: Variety Pack

    At Steps blow up Literacy, address goal obey to advantage cultivate a student's fondness for highway. Our Preference and Speech collections gust curated touch on showcase newfound, exciting, meticulous diverse books with inspiring stories viewpoint impacting visuals. We raise all group of pupils have a voice champion a above in representation books desert they pass away. Our libraries and collections are reinforced to lure students unearth learn extra about themselves and say publicly world they live connect. Intrigue division with that collection follow high-interest titles. Students wish lose themselves in description world win fantasy limit sci-fi fetch dive smash into poetry look at this captivating collection filled with fitting Fourth Secondrate titles.

    Title List:

    • Alan Turing: Head of Fracture Codes
    • Ariana Grande
    • Carli Lloyd: Football Star
    • Cesar Chavez
    • Derek Carr
    • Henry Ford
    • Jordan Peele
    • Maria Beasley and Living thing Rafts
    • Marley Dias
    • Meghan Markle
    • And 10 more titles ...
  • fourth grade biography books
  • One of the most common projects in elementary school, especially around 4-6 grades is a biography project or book report.

    It can be tricky to find biography books for kids that hit that sweet spot between a picture book and an absolutely overwhelming non-fiction tome (lots of biographies lean too far into the young adult realm and they’re just too hefty for an elementary school reader!).

    Here are some great options that are interesting, readable and perfect for school or personal reading!

    (P.S. If you’re looking for biography series like the extremely popular “Who Was. . .?” series, I have a whole list of favorites here! The books on that list tend to steer a little younger and shorter).

    10+ Great Kids Biography Books

    The Great and Only Barnum: The Tremendous, Stupendous Life of Showman P. T. Barnum by Candace Fleming
    If your child was obsessed with The Greatest Showman, this book is for them. It is almost unreal how fascinating the real P.T. Barnum was and what a life he lead. I included this one on the family reads section in the 2020 Summer Reading Guide. (Full review here)

    Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board by Bethany Hamilton
    After Bethany Hamilton, a teenage surfer, lost her arm