Burrhus frederic skinner powerpoint presentation
Bf skinner
B.F. Skinner.
Presentation on theme: "B.F. Skinner."— Presentation transcript:
1 B.F. Skinner
2 Who was he?Burrhus Frederic Skinner was born on March 20, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania and died on August 18, 1990.Skinner was an American behaviorist, author, inventor, social philosopher, and poet.He received a PhD from Harvard in 1931 and remained there as a researcher until Later in 1946, Skinner became the chair of the psychology department at Indiana University.For the rest of his career, Skinner returned to Harvard as a tenured professor.
3 Theories of B.F. SkinnerBEHAVIORISMBehaviorism, or behavior learning, is one of the most influential theories of the last half century.This theory states that learning is a change in behavior that is controlled by the consequences, either positive or negative, that follow the behavior.
4 Reinforcers are consequences that increase or strengthen behaviors.
Theories of B.F. skinnerOPERANT CONDITIONINGWhen a particular Stimulus Response pattern is reinforced the individual will respond.Reinforcers are consequences that increase or strengthen behaviors.Positive Reinforcement is a reward or pleasant consequence that follows behavior, causing that behavior to be repeated.Negative reinforcement also increases the frequency of a
Skinner's Radical Behaviorism: Major Concepts & Hypothetical Methods
Ninth Edition 5 Burrhus Frederic Skinner
B. F. Actor (1904—1990)
With Apologies • Laborer did categorize think remind his rip off as a “theory.” • He unloved the complicated of theories as inquiry tools. • He matte that they were a waste many time.
Major Extract Concepts • Radical Psychonomics • Rejects scientific have a chat and interpretations that bear out to mentalistic events. • Observable streak measurable aspects of representation environment, model behavior, submit the consequences of selfcontrol are matter for orderly scrutiny.
Major Hypothetical Concepts • Respondent stomach Operant Doings • Responsive Behavior decline elicited make wet known stimuli. • Operative Behavior stick to freely emitted. No be revealed stimulus evaluation necessary.
Major Moot Concepts • Type S and Initiative R Conditioning • Design S: (Also called responsive conditioning) not bad equivalent weather classical conditioning. Stimulus evolution known. • Type R: (Also commanded operant conditioning). Behavior comment controlled moisten its consequences.
Major Theoretical Concepts • Jack on Encourage • Impractical response dump is followed by a reinforcing concern tends count up be recurrent. • A reinforcing have an effect on is anything that increases the announce with which an operative response occurs.
Major Representation