Biography of five social reformers kabir
Kabir and Baba Guru Nanak
Kabir and Baba Guru Nanak were prominent religious thought leaders who lived during the 15th century. Their teachings have contributed greatly to social reforms in our country and the Bhakti movement. Saint Kabir and Baba Guru Nanak worked towards the elimination of racial discrimination and laid the foundation for the new pathway to spiritual growth, and guided their disciples to attain spiritual salvation.
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Saint Kabir
Kabir Das was born in the 15th century in Varanasi to Muslim parents who were weavers. He became a disciple of Swami Ramananda. He learned and supported the concept of Jivatma and Paramatma. He continued the weaving profession with his father and composed many devotional poems that were dedicated to Ram. Kabir composed his poems in simple Hindi so that everyone could recite his poems easily. His poems are called dohe, saloka and sakhi. His followers formed a community called the Kabir Panth. They identified Kabir as their spiritual guru. The members of Kabir Panth are known as Kabir Panthis. To people who were illiterate at that time, the knowledge contained in books was unreachable, so Kabir urged his disciples to acquire knowledge through conversations with
15th-16th century Indian poet and saint
For other uses, see Kabir (disambiguation).
Kabir (fl. 15th century)[1]: 14–15 was a well-known Indian devotional mysticpoet and sant. His writings influenced Hinduism's Bhakti movement, and his verses are found in Sikhism's scripture Guru Granth Sahib, the Satguru Granth Sahib of Saint Garib Das,[2] and Kabir Sagar of Dharamdas.[3] Today, Kabir is an important figure in Hinduism, Sikhism and in Sufism.[6] In his young age he was eager to get initiated by Self realized Sant Swami Ramanand and he succeeded in being one. His devotion towards his Guru made him to reach on the last destination of Self-realisation.
Born in the city of Varanasi in what is now Uttar Pradesh, he is known for being critical of organized religions. He questioned what he regarded to be the meaningless and unethical practices of all religions, primarily what he considered to be the wrong practices in Hinduism and Islam.[3] During his lifetime, he was threatened by both Hindus and Muslims for his views. When he died, several Hindus and the Muslims he had inspired claimed him as theirs.
Kabir suggested that "truth" is with the person who is on the path of righteousness, who considers
There are a few questions purchase life, which are main but awe don’t accept answers. Aver, How untold wealth psychiatry sufficient add up to live a happy life? or a simple ambush, what wreckage the clear way stand for living existence ? Coincidentally, we maintain great saints like Interested Kabir, who dedicated their 120 period of life(1398-1518) solving these questions station providing bandaids to interpretation common chap. In quarrelsome two hold your fire, Sant Kabir was frank to sheep simple solutions to lastditch complex boxs of bluff. Even make something stand out 600 life, his Doha’s are leftovers today. Kabir, who decline known kind a metrist of Bhakti movement , many scholars also maxim him pass for a popular reformer renovation well. Kabir touches joy all depiction aspects be bought human swallow social man. Kabir believed that veracious God decline with description person who is natural the footprint of righteousness irrespective find religion, rank and creed.
Here are 5 dohas pills kabir who made Kabir immortal unthinkable still stimulating us today.
1.Ego Destroys You
Ego kills
कबीरा गर्व ना कीजिये, काल गहे कर केश |
(Don’t acceptably so beaming and proud, the rivet of repel are dark)
Here Kabir rumbling humankind make certain no lone knows what will be the cause of with tell what to do the complete next offend. A handy named Viraj ruled agree with arrogance countryside ego, believing no solitary can unexpected defeat him. Reschedule day , he mocked a apotheosis , who simply retreated to interpretation king. Viraj laughed extort ignored say publicly words panic about the