Sir mark sykes biography of barack
Mark Sykes. His Life essential Letters [Shane Leslie; London; ]
Frances Devlin-Glass
Oxford Lincoln Press eBooks,
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Mark Sykes and Armenians: by Alyson Wharton-Durgaryan
When attending the launch event for the CAIA UK Armenians and WW1 project, I had the good fortune to meet fellow volunteer Helen Drummond, who informed me about a very interesting place in South Yorkshire called Sledmere House. The house came up in conversation because we were discussing my research on an Armenian decorator, Sopon Bezirdjian, who had moved to Manchester in the s. Helen told me of a room decorated in ‘oriental style’ by an Armenian in Sledmere, and so I immediately made plans to visit.
The connection with the UK Armenians and WW1 project was not, therefore, to the forefront of what I was initially doing in visiting Sledmere, but, as I delved more deeply into the house and its connection to Armenians, I made some discoveries that I thought had some relevance regarding the other stories being told in these blogs. And, of course, it is always nice to have an excuse to show some lovely images!
Sledmere was the seat of Sir Mark Sykes (), a Cambridge-educated diplomat who had served as attaché to the British Embassy in Constantinople , who assisted Balfour whilst in office, who worked for the Intelligence Unit during the war and who traveled widely through the Ottoman Empire as part of these vocations.
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In the Middle East, few men are pilloried these days as much as Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot. Sykes, a British diplomat, travelled the same turf as T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia), served in the Boer War, inherited a baronetcy, and won a Conservative seat in Parliament. He died young, at thirty-nine, during the flu epidemic. Picot was a French lawyer and diplomat who led a long but obscure life, mainly in backwater posts, until his death, in But the two men live on in the secret agreement they were assigned to draft, during the First World War, to divide the Ottoman Empire’s vast land mass into British and French spheres of influence. The Sykes-Picot Agreement launched a nine-year process—and other deals, declarations, and treaties—that created the modern Middle East states out of the Ottoman carcass. The new borders ultimately bore little resemblance to the original Sykes-Picot map, but their map is still viewed as the root cause of much that has happened ever since.
“Hundreds of thousands have been killed because of Sykes-Picot and all the problems it created,” Nawzad Hadi Mawlood, the governor of Iraq’s Erbil Province, told me when I saw him this spring. “It changed the course of history—and nature.”
May 16th will mark the agreement’s hundredth anniversary, amid q