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- F?ma Accioly is a young, miserable woman who wants collect be bounteous and masterpiece at stability price. Later selling dip family's see to in description country... more »
- Espelho da Vida is a Brazilian telenovela produced opinion broadcast beside TV Globo that premiered on 25 September 2018, replacing Orgulho e Paixão, and overstuffed ...more »
Based on true events, the film tells the story of Brazilian outlaw Promessinha, one of the most famous and feared criminals of his time, depicting his crimes and cruelty, until his death confronting the police.
Popular reviews
MoreEm honra de Roberto Farias (1932 - 2018).
Em seu primeiro filme policial Farias já nos dá um gostinho do que viria a ser sua obra prima (O Assalto ao trem pagador, é claro), com um diálogo entre as mazelas da vida em criminalidade em confronto com a brutalidade policial, o que mais salta aos olhos nesse embate é a dinâmica entre a imprensa sensacionalista e vampiresca versus a imprensa ética que leva em consideração todos os percalços do ser humano. Como sabemos que acontece até hoje sobre o viciado quarto poder brasileiro, todos sabemos quem leva a melhor, não é mesmo?
TVRip no MakingOffTranslated from pt by Google
True case crime film on the manhunt to a São Paulo thief with emphasis on the sensationalistic press and police brutality. Very much a transitional film from 50s to 60s Brazilian cinema. Roberto Farias does a terrific job from a somewhat schematic if very angry script from Atlantida vet Alinor Azevedo. The high deterministic claustrophobic mood wins out by the end.
Translated from en by Google
Journeys in Darkness and Light
Although I attended only two days of Noir City DC, I saw films with some of the largest crowds I’ve ever witnessed at the festival (although this particular photo does not bear that out). The theme at all the 2024 Noir City festivals is “Darkness Has No Borders,” pairing American and British noirs in double features with their counterparts from other countries. Here’s a quick rundown of what I saw on my first day:
Day One: Introductions by Eddie Muller
Since Eddie Muller was delayed for Friday’s first film, Todd Hitchcock, Director of Programming at the AFI Silver, introduced Assault on the Pay Train (1962), a Brazilian heist film directed by Roberto Farias. The opening scene shows an atypical heist that actually works.
Led by infamous outlaw Tião Medonho (Eliezer Gomes, above), a gang of criminals easily robs a payroll train and then makes good their escape. But then the trouble starts: Tião warns each man not to spend more than 10% of their cut for a year. Otherwise, the locals will get suspicious.
We know Tião’s admonition is doomed to failure, but it doesn’t matter since everyone in their poverty-stricken community already knows about the heist. Each gang member makes unbelievably bad decisions with their money,