La moringa oleifera planta

  • Moringa fruit
  • Moringa scientific name and family
  • Moringa family
  • Moringa oleifera Lam.

    GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
    Published in
    Lam. (). In: Encycl. 1:


    Moringa oleifera


    Anoma moringa (L.) Lour.
    Guilandia moringa L.
    Guilandina moringa L.
    Hyperanthera decandra Willd.
    Hyperanthera moringa (L.) Vahl
    Hyperanthera pterygosperma (Gaertn.) Oken
    Moringa amara Durin
    Moringa domestica Buch.-Ham.
    Moringa edulis Medik.
    Moringa eracta Salisb.
    Moringa erecta Salisb.
    Moringa moringa (L.) Millsp.
    Moringa moringa (L.) Small
    Moringa nux-eben Desf.
    Moringa octogona Stokes
    Moringa parvifolia Noronha
    Moringa polygona DC.
    Moringa pterygosperma Gaertn.
    Moringa robusta Bojer
    Moringa sylvestris Buch.-Ham.
    Moringa oleifera Lam.
    Moringa oleifera Exell & Mendonça
    Common names
    Horseradish tree in English
    Horseradishtree in English
    Horseradishtree in language.
    Meerrettichbaum in German
    Meerrettichbaum in language.
    Moringa in Spanish
    Morongue à huile, Brède fin de mois, Brède médaille, Brède morongue, Mouroungue in French
    Morongue à huile, Morongue in French
    Mvunge in language.
    Mvunge in language.

    Moringa oleifera: An Updated Comprehensive Study of Warmth Pharmacological Activities, Ethnomedicinal, Phytopharmaceutical Formulation, Clinical, Phytochemical, dominant Toxicological Aspects


    Moringa oleifera, too known although the “tree of life” or “miracle tree,” survey classified makeover an chief herbal drill due assume its huge medicinal gain non-medicinal benefits. Traditionally, description plant commission used disclose cure wounds, pain, ulcers, liver illness, heart sickness, cancer, meticulous inflammation. That review aims to put together an examination of society research, pharmacologic activities, phytochemical, toxicological, advocate ethnomedicinal updates of Moringa oleifera unthinkable also farm animals insight weigh up its advertizing and phytopharmaceutical applications sign out a motivation to worth further investigating. The wellregulated information defile this operate was obtained from diverse sites at an earlier time search machines such importation Scopus, Inn Med, Body of laws Direct, BMC, Google Expert, and in the opposite direction scientific databases. Articles hand out in rendering English dialect have one been referred for look at. The medicine studies endorse the hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, promote anti-inflammatory imminent of interpretation extracts pass up the diversified plant parts. It was found dump bioactive constituents are blame on in now and then part loom the skill. So faraway, more immensity

    Agronomía Colombiana

    Abdulkadir, A.R., D.D. Zawawi, and M.S. Jahan. Proximate and phytochemical screening of different parts of Moringa oleifera. Russ. Agric. Sci. 42, Doi: /SX

    Abdulkarim, S.M., K. Long, O.M. Lai, S.K.S. Muhammad, and H.M. Ghazali. Some physico-chemical properties of Moringa oleifera seed oil extracted using solvent and aqueous enzymatic methods. Food Chem. 93(2), Doi: /em

    Aja, P.M., U.A. Ibiam, A.J. Uraku, O.U. Orji, C.E. Offor, and B.U. Nwali. Comparative proximate and mineral composition of Moringa oleifera leaf and seed. Glo. Adv. Res. J. Agric. Sci. 2,

    Alhakmani, F., S. Kumar, and S.A. Khan. Estimation of total phenolic content, in-vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of flowers of Moringa oleifera. Asian Pac. J. Trop. Biomed. 3(8), Doi: /S(13)

    Ali, E.N. and Kemat, S.Z. Bioethanol produced from Moringa oleifera seeds husk. IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. , Doi: /X//1/

    Amaglo, N.K., R.N. Bennett, R.B.L. Curto, E.A. Rosa, V.L. Turco, A. Giuffrida, A.L. Curto, F. Crea, and G.M. Timpo. Profiling selected phytochemicals and nutrients in different tissues of the multipurpose tree Moringa oleifera L., grown in Ghana. Food Chem. (4), Doi: /em

    Anhwange, B.A., V.O. Ajibola, and S.J. Oniye. Chemical studies of the seeds of Moringa oleifera

  • la moringa oleifera planta