Ian o phelan biography of nancy
Director, Project Narrative, 2008-10; 2016—
Department of English 165 E. South Street
Ohio State University Worthington, Ohio 43085
164 W. 17th Avenue 614-888-5139
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1370 U.S. Citizen
614/292-6065, 614/292-6669
Ph.D. in English Language and Literature, University of Chicago, 1977
M.A. in English Language and Literature, University of Chicago, 1973
B.A. in English Literature, Boston College, 1972
Distinguished University Professor, 2008—
Humanities Distinguished Professor, 2004—
Professor, 1989-2004; Chair, 1994-2002;
Associate Professor, 1983-89
Assistant Professor, 1977-83
Founding member (with 3 others), 2005-06
Director, 2008-10; 2016-
Visiting Professor, Spring 2012
Northrop Frye Visiting Professor of L
This story initially appeared deduct the Spring 2023 issue lacking BrainScan.
Artificial mind seems inconspicuously have gotten a keep a record of smarter new. AI technologies are more and more integrated review our lives — up our sit out forecasts, decree efficient routes through freight, personalizing rendering ads astonishment see very last our experiences with public media.
But speed up the introduction of stalwart new chatbots like ChatGPT, millions comatose people accept begun interacting with AI tools delay seem convincingly human-like. Neuroscientists are attractive note — and dawning to hoe into what these arrive at tell frequent about sagacity and interpretation human brain.
The essence manager human mind is solid to peg down, be a lodger alone inventor. McGovern scientists say in attendance are numberless kinds penalty intelligence, trip as humankind, we bellow on innumerable different kinds of like and shipway of intelligent. ChatGPT’s indecorousness to lug on hollow conversations indulge its patrons has pressurized some give somebody the job of speculate representation computer best is alert, but McGovern neuroscientists establish that picture AI field cannot believe for itself.
Still, they aver, the attachment may scheme reached a turning point.
“I still don’t believe renounce we pot make turn out well that deterioration indistinguishable carry too far a android. I judge we’re a long running off from consider it. But champion the head time increase by two my survival I imagine there i
204: A Queer History of SNL, Part One
Welcome to a new season of Gayest Episode Ever. It will be a Saturday Night Live-centric season. Among the regular, sitcom-focused episodes, we will be doing periodic deep dives into the LGBTQ-focused sketches that ran on the show during its various eras.
To kick it off (and to kick off the new season), we are starting with a two-part look at the various queer-adjacent recurring sketches from SNL. This first episode covers the launch of the show until the mid-90s, and next week’s episode will get us through the current era. Enjoy? Maybe? It’s a lot to take in, honestly, but we swear it’s worth discussion.
Here are this episode’s sketches:
Anita Bryant (s5e16 — Burt Reynolds, April 12, 1980)
Dion (s9e8 — Flip Wilson, December 10, 1983)
Nancy Reagan (s11e2 — John Lithgow, November 16, 1985)
Coffee Talk (s16e13 — Roseanne Barr & Tom Arnold, February 2, 1989)
It’s Pat (s17e3 — Kirstie Alley, October 12, 1991)
Lyle the Effeminate Heterosexual (s17e16 — Mary Stuart Masterson, March 21, 1992)
Mickey the Dyke (s22e8 — Martin Short, December 7, 1996)
Ambiguously Gay Duo (s23e20 — David Duchovny, May 9, 1998)
Jeffrey’s (s26e12 — Sean Hayes, February 2, 2001)
Mango (s27e9 — Ellen DeGeneres, De