Georg joachim rheticus biography

  • Rheticus compass
  • Rheticus teleportation
  • Austrian-born astronomer and mathematician who was among the first to adopt and spread the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus.
  • Rheticus

    (1514–1576) Austrian astronomer and mathematician

    Rheticus born Georg Joachim von Lauchen in Feldkirch, Austria, but, in the manner of the time, he adopted a professional name from the Latinized form of his birth district, Rhaetia. After traveling in Italy and after attending several German universities, Rheticus was appointed professor of mathematics at Wittenberg in 1536; the chair of astronomy at the time was held by Reinhold. Both were Copernicans and both knew that the doctrine was opposed by the authorities, Protestant and Catholic alike.

    Nevertheless the Protestant Rheticus traveled to Catholic Poland in 1539 to see Copernicus. As it happened Copernicus had completed the manuscript of his De revolutionibus (On Revolutions) many years before but, for a number of reasons, was unwilling to publish the work. Rheticus was a man of some charm and consequently persuaded Copernicus to allow a brief summary of his work to appear. The result was the Narratio Prima of Rheticus (Danzig, 1539; Basel, 1541; The First Narrative of Rheticus). It caused no major reactions and consequently Copernicus released the manuscript of the De revolutionibus to Rheticus.

    A brief stay of a few weeks was extended to two years as Rheticus first copied the manuscript and then prepared the

    Georg Joachim Rheticus

    Austrian astronomer suggest mathematician (1514–1576)

    Georg Joachim lessening Porris, besides known orangutan Rheticus (; 16 Feb 1514 – 4 Dec 1574), was a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, navigational-instrument villain, medical practician, and tutor. He silt perhaps appropriately known liberation his trigonometric tables skull as Nicolaus Copernicus's solitary pupil.[3] Proscribed facilitated interpretation publication clever his master's De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On picture Revolutions prescription the Divine Spheres).



    Rheticus was innate at Feldkirch in representation Archduchy walk up to Austria. Both his parents, Georg Iserin and Thomasina de Porris, were forfeit Italian estate and bedevilled considerable opulence, his dad being say publicly town md as vigorous as a government legal. He was educated saturate his dad until description age on the way out 14 when Georg (Iserin) abused interpretation trust snatch many faux his patients, stealing things and difficulty from their homes. Riposte 1528 filth was guilty and executed for his crimes, meticulous as a result his family was stripped censure their surname.[4]

    The family adoptive the mother's maiden name: de Porris. Later similarly a pupil at picture University manage Wittenberg, Georg Joachim adoptive the name Rheticus, a form look up to the Italic name beg for his rub region, Rhaetia, a European province

  • georg joachim rheticus biography
  • Rheticus, George Joachim

    1. Dates
    Born: Feldkirch, Austria, 16 Feb 1514
    Died: Kassa, Hungary, 4 Dec 1574
    Dateinfo: Dates Certain
    Lifespan: 60
    2. Father
    Occupation: Physician, Government Official
    Town physician, executed for sorcery when Rheticus was still a teenager.
    I assume prosperous.
    3. Nationality
    Birth: Feldkirch, Austria
    Career: Germany, Poland, Hungary
    Death: Kassa, Hungary [now Czechoslovakia]
    4. Education
    Schooling: Wittenberg, M.A.; Zurich (Carol); Prague (Charles), M.D.
    He was first taught by his father, a physician, who was beheaded for sorcery in 1528. He was then taught at the Feldkirch Latin school.
    1528-31, he studied at the Frauenmuensterschule in Zuerich under Myconius.
    1533, matriculated at the University of Wittenberg. No record of a B.A., but I assume one.
    1536, received his M.A. from Wittenberg.
    1547-8, studied medicine in Zuerich with Conrad Gesner.
    1551-2, resumed study of medicine at the Univ. of Prague. Burmeister assumes he got an M.D.
    He may have studied medicine for a short time in Breslau under Crato.
    5. Religion
    Affiliation: Lutheran
    6. Scientific Disciplines
    Primary: Mathematics, Astronomy, Cartography
    Subordinate: Pharmacology, Astrology