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Ennio Nimis Kriya Yoga Synthesis of A Personal Experience
Ennio Nimis Kriya Yoga Synthesis of A Personal Experience
CONTENTS Contents Synopsis ii iii PART I HISTORY OF MY PASSION FOR KRIYA YOGA 1. Yoga Self-Taught 2. I Learn Kriya Yoga 3. The Breathless State 4. In Search of the Original Kriya 5. A Clean Myst ical Path PART II SHARING THE KRIYA YOGA TECHNIQUES 6. The Basic Techniques of K riya Yoga 7. Further Information about the First Kriya 8. Higher Kriyas PART III GRADUAL LEARNING OF KRIYA YOGA 9. Preliminary Remarks on the Potential Dangers of Meditation and Kriya 10. Building the Best Foundation for the Kriya Yoga Path 11. A Turning point: the Breathless State 12. Kriya of the Cells Appendix: Rema rks upon Kriya Yoga as Taught by the Organizations Glossary Bibliography 155 167 185 192 202 217 233 90 106 126 6 19 37 54 78 2
SYNOPSIS PART I: HISTORY OF MY PASSION FOR KRIYA YOGA The first part contains the story o f the different phases of my spiritual search: self teaching of Yoga; Kriya Yoga received from an organization; Kriya Yoga received from traveling gurus; final decision of putting in a book all what I knew about Kriya Yoga techniques and go ahead alone. Chapter 1 Yoga Self-Taught My spiritual search began early, after I bought an introductory book on classical Yoga. I considered Yoga a discipline capable to produc
The City, the Ghetto and Two Books. Venice and Jewish Early Modernity
Cristiana Facchiniis Associate Professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. She teaches History of Religions, Jewish History and History of Western Christianity. Her scholarly research focuses on Judaism and modernity (David Castelli. Ebraismo e scienze delle religioni tra Otto e Novecento, Morcelliana: Brescia, 2005); on cultural Jewish history in the early modern period, and on Catholic Antisemitism. She recently edited a collection of articles on Italian Catholic Antisemitism (Antisemitismo e chiesa cattolica in Italia (xix-xx secc.). Ricerche in corso e riflessioni storiografiche, ed. by Cristiana Facchini, Storicamente (online journal), 7/2011. She is finishing a book on Isaac Kohen Cantarini and Baroque Jewish culture.
The most Serene Republic and the ghetto
“And amongst the cities of Europe, Rome and Venice are the most frequented for the pleasures and delights they minister to all the beholders of them. Rome for the exceeding wonderful relics of her ancient
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