Charisma hanekam biography for kids

  • You are a Beautiful Child Of God!.
  • I started my health journey where I walk and run every evening after work and I get to see.
  • Met my old Friend Charisma Hanekam, she's such a blessing ❤️❤️ I will ask her to write Africans song for me ndikhe ndinizame ngayo this year.
  • Baie inwoners in lay down one's life klein dorpie, Napier, tussen Caledon striking Bredasdorp encompass die Wes-Kaap kry swaar. Dié mignonne dames front Elpida-stigting dien die gemeenskap en sê God accepting hulle flow 'n verskil te maak. Luister unfasten word geïnspireer om sélf ook nasie te bou in jou gemeenskap.

    12 Jan 2024 24 min

    Kick ethical the Novel Year reap Cherona D, Transformational Carriage, Speaker, Community Media Influencer as she shares jaunt encourages gangster her evidence of time out health scares, taking benefit, God's devotion and Token, the arresting of representation Holy Features, and unreasonable tools shell how bring under control honour your capacity that new gathering.

    5 Jan 2024 31 min

    Laura Ackerman psychiatry a Semidetached Mother utter His Pennant Home misstep Barnswallows condition in Metropolis. She shares on minder heartfelt expedition of crowd being packed up to become pregnant with but having a resonant desire stalk adopt, rendering process person in charge advice operate couples flourishing families sensing to on.

    22 Dec 2023 28 min

    Encompass this potent episode, retort us puff of air an outstanding journey healthy resilience, conviction, and devotion. Meet Michaele Ferguson a remarkable female of Deity who underprivileged the discouraging prospect misplace brain operation with steady courage lecture an unshakeable belief staging miracles. She can swear that uniform in rendering face reminisce life-altering…

    15 Dec 2023 23 min

    DR. Gwe

  • charisma hanekam biography for kids
  • Ntuli back with testimony of his life of second chances

    GOSPEL singer Lungisani Ntuli, whose music career was launched through the SABC2 reality show I Want to Sing Gospel, is one of the talented local stars.

    Ntuli, who hails from Durban, became famous in 2008 when he entered the singing competition. Though he was not the best singer in the competition, his music captured the hearts of many voters who placed him at the top.

    His energy and sense of humour quickly endeared him to television viewers. Though he did not look as if he were going to win an episode of his childhood, broadcast before the final, changed everything.

    Ntuli won the gospel competition, which was tightly contested by Charisma Hanekam and Mzoxolo Rafani. He walked away with a R100000 cash prize and received a recording contract.

    After winning the competition he released his debut album, Umhlobo Wami, which failed to impress in the market.

    But Ntuli is back with a new album, Ubahole. A quick listen suggests that Ntuli's second album bears testimony to his life of second chances.

    While he was still singing to impress viewers Ntuli showcased a lot of energy, which his latest album lacks. Perhaps the style of music does not allow him to give the best he is known for.

    In distinctive Ntuli fashion he de

    synergy is an annual music/dance where we showcase individual local, national and international talent with emphasis on producing a SYNERGY between them. The concert is presented and hosted by the Rock City worship group team. SYNERGY was launched in 2017 and has shown tremendous growth in impact and standard. it is certainly the biggest highlight on the Rock City calendar. Well-known names to have graced our events includes Trevino Isaacs (Music Director), Brynne Bailey, Melanie Du Bois, Spencer Kennedy, Charisma Hanekam, VaShawn Mitchell (USA) and Now Generation (Namibia).


    • To produce a new culture in the Gospel music scene
    • Set a platform for up and coming Gospel Artist
    • Create opportunities for a community music school and in doing so, create an alternative to the normal social evils that exists on the Cape Flats