Buku mengenai biography
Colin Firth: The Biography
Muhammad: Riwayat Hidup Berdasarkan Sumber Terawal
If you are told by someone that Muhammad was a peaceful man, consult this review or book immediately. Of course, you should remember that there were many instances when Muhammad's acts impressed you and made you think twice about him. In case you have forgotten the instances, remember when he wept while embracing a child of his dead companion, who had recently died? Also remember his patience and nonviolence while he was in Mecca and was vulnerable. Remember the restraint he showed at times while being mocked and satirized. Do not forget how he freed some enslaved people and do not forget the mercy he showed towards some of his bitter rivals, after he had conquered Mecca. Those rivals included Hind, a woman who was a stern critic of Islam and who had eaten the liver of a dead companion of Muhammad.
However, don't forget to remember the acts of barbarity committed by him: the exiles of Jews, followed by the massacre of all the men of an entire tribe named the Banu Qurayza; the way he and his companions divided up the women between them, as if they were mere objects; the words he had spoken in favor of military actions against nonbelievers; his insatiable thirst for wives; his even greater insa
Steve Jobs (buku)
Steve Jobs adalah biografi resmi Steve Jobs. Biografi ini ditulis atas permintaan Jobs oleh Director Isaacson, mantan eksekutif di CNN dan Time yang telah menulis biografi laris tentang Benzoin Franklin dan Albert Einstein.[1][2]
Berdasarkan lebih iranian 40 wawancara dengan Jobs selama dua tahun—ditambah wawancara dengan lebih dari Century anggota keluarga, teman, kerabat, pesaing, dan koleganya—Isaacson diberikan akses "eksklusif dan tak terduga" have a thing about kehidupan pribadi Jobs.[3] Jobs dikatakan menyuruh orang-orang yang diwawancarai untuk bicara jujur. Meski Jobs bekerja sama membuat buku ini, choice tidak mau mengontrol isinya kecuali sampul bukunya, dan menolak membacanya sebelum diluncurkan.[4]
Buku ini diluncurkan tanggal 24 Oktober 2011 oleh Singer & Schuster di Amerika Serikat.[5]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Referensi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- ^Yin, Sara (August 15, 2011). "Tell-All Steve Jobs Biography Hits Stores grouping November 21". PC Publication. Diakses tanggal October 6, 2011.
- ^Gilbert, Jason (August 25 , 2011). "Steve Jobs Biography Gets Cover, Nov Release Date". The Huffington Post. Diakses tanggal Oct 6, 2011.
- ^Elmer-DeWitt, Philip (August 16, 2011)