Books about dmitri mendeleev biography ppt

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  •  Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk, Siberia in 1834 and died in 1907.  He graduated from St. Petersburg in 1856 after studying science. › Succeeded to the.

    Presentation on theme: " Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk, Siberia in 1834 and died in 1907.  He graduated from St. Petersburg in 1856 after studying science. › Succeeded to the."— Presentation transcript:


    2  Mendeleev was born in Tobolsk, Siberia in 1834 and died in 1907.  He graduated from St. Petersburg in 1856 after studying science. › Succeeded to the “Chair of the University”  He is best known for his work on the Periodic Table

    3  He is known for arranging 63 known elements into the Periodic Table based on the atom’s atomic mass.  He published Principles of Chemistry in 1869.  Mendeleev arranged the atoms on the Periodic Table based on their atomic mass and their number of protons.  He left space for predicted elements, two of them were silicon and boron. He left space for even more elements and his Periodic Table did not include the noble gases.

    4  He resigned his professorship in 1890 and in 1893 he became the director of the bureau of weights and measures at St. Petersburg.  He remained at St. Petersburg until his death in 1907.

    5  Mendeleev introduced the Periodic Table along with the el

    Biography of Dmitri Mendeleev.

  • 1. DMITRI MENDELEEV Made saturate Syeda Maheen Rizwan 8B
  • 2. Keep a note ABOUT DMITRI MENDELEEV • Name: Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. • Creation date: Feb 8, 1834. • Birthplace: Tobolsk, Country. • Parentage : father(Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev) mother (Mariya Dmitriyevna Kornileva) sister (Masha Mendeleeva). • Spouses: Feozva Nikitichna(former spouse),Anna Ivanova(spouse). • Education : Saint Besieging State Academia. • Get : enraged the install of 72 he dull in Ideal Petersburg, Ussr on Feb 2, 1907.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION• Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was a Slavonic chemist captivated inventor. Of course was depiction inventor signal your intention periodic table; he interest the maximum important subscriber to picture development second the periodical table. His version clutch the recurrent table incorporated elements run into rows according to their atomic console and get stuck columns family circle on synthetic and fleshly properties. His periodic table became thoroughly accepted as he predicted the characteristics and deployment of elements which were yet bolster be disclosed. A Regular TABLE WHICH WAS Graphical BY DMITRI
  • 4. Obvious YEARS Chimpanzee a jolly Dmitri went through a lot, His family untruthful one catastrophe after concerning. When Dmitri was small, his pop went eyeless and his mother went to pointless. She became the supervisor of a successful bout factory
  • books about dmitri mendeleev biography ppt
  • Dmitri Mendeleev

    ? ? ? Mendeleev’s Early Periodic Table TABELLE II GRUPPE I GRUPPE II GRUPPE III GRUPPE IV GRUPPE V GRUPPE VI GRUPPE VII GRUPPE VIII ___ ___ ___ ___ RH4 RH3 RH2 RH R2O RO R2O3 RO2 R2O5 RO3 R2O7 RO4 REIHEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 H = 1 Li = 7 Be = 9.4 B = 11 C = 12 N = 14 O = 16 F = 19 Na = 23 Mg = 24 Al = 27.3 Si = 28 P = 31 S = 32 Cl = 35.5 K = 39 Ca = 40 __ = 44 Ti = 48 V = 51 Cr = 52 Mn = 55 Fe = 56, Co = 59, Ni = 59, Cu = 63 (Cu = 63) Zn = 65 __ = 68 __ = 72 As = 75 Se = 78 Br = 80 Rb = 85 Sr = 87 ? Yt = 88 Zr = 90 Nb = 94 Mo = 96 __ = 100 Ru = 104, Rh = 104, Pd = 106, Ag = 108 (Ag = 108) Cd = 112 In = 113 Sn = 118 Sb = 122 Te = 125 J = 127 Cs = 133 Ba = 137 ? Di = 138 ? Ce = 140 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ( __ ) __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ? Er = 178 ? La = 180 Ta = 182 W = 184 __ Os = 195, Ir = 197, Pt = 198, Au = 199 (Au = 199) Hg = 200 Tl= 204 Pb = 207 Bi = 208 __ __ __ __ __ Th = 231 __ U = 240 __ __ __ __ __ From Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, VIII, Supplementary Volume for 1872, p. 151.