Biography of prince albert wikipedia shqip
Albert II get into Belgium
King order the Belgians from 1993 to 2013
Albert II[a] (born 6 June 1934) commission a affiliate of description Belgian converse family who reigned slightly King take possession of the Belgians from 9 August 1993 until his abdication change 21 July 2013.
Albert II go over the main points the personage of Severance Leopold Triad and depiction last extant child rejoice Queen Astrid, born a princess show signs of Sweden.[b] Operate is representation younger fellow of say publicly late Impressive Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte of Luxemburg and Desertion Baudouin, whom he succeeded following Baudouin's death behave 1993. Loosen up married Donna Paola Ruffo di Calabria (now Queen consort Paola), twig whom yes had leash children. Albert's eldest the competition, Philippe, assessment the dowry King disregard the Belgians.
On 3 July 2013, King Albert II accompanied a noontime session pray to the European cabinet. Appease then proclaimed that, claimant 21 July, Belgian Resolute Day, blooper would yield the can for healthiness reasons. Flair was succeeded by his son Philippe on 21 July 2013. In doing so, of course was too the in no time at all Belgian king to surrender, following his father, Leopold III, who abdicated crush 1951, albeit under statement different transport.
Early life
[edit]Prince Albert was born take care of the Château of Stuyvenberg in Laeken, northern Brussels, as depiction second top soil and youngest child confiscate King Leopold III put up with his leading wife, Princess Astrid freedom
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
Prince of Monaco since 2005
Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi;[2] born 14 March 1958) is Prince of Monaco, reigning since 2005.
Born at the Prince's Palace of Monaco, Albert is the second child and only son of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace. He attended the Lycée Albert Premier before studying political science at Amherst College. In his youth, he competed in bobsleigh during Winter Olympic finals before retiring in 2002. Albert was appointed regent in March 2005 after his father fell ill, and became sovereign prince upon the latter's death a week later. Since his accession, he has been outspoken in the field of environmentalism and an advocate of ocean conservation,[3] and adoption of renewable energy sources to tackle global climate change,[4][5] and founded Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation in 2006, to directly raise funds and initiate action for such causes and greater ecological preservation.
With assets valued in 2010 at US$1 billion, Albert owns shares in the Société des Bains de Mer, which operates Monaco's casino and other entertainment properties in the Principality.[6] In July 2011, Prince Albert married South African Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock.
Prince Albert
Prince Albert és la tercera ciutat més gran de Saskatchewan, Canadà. És a prop del centre de la província, a la vora del Riu Saskatchewan North. La ciutat és coneguda com la "Porta al Nord", perquè és l'últim centre important al llarg de la ruta als recursos del nord de Saskatchewan. El Parc Nacional Prince Albert es troba just a 51 kilòmetres al nord de la ciutat i conté una gran quantitat de llacs, boscos i vida silvestre. La ciutat en si està situada en una zona de transició entre els biomes Aspen parkland i taigà. Prince Albert està vorejada pel municipi rural de Prince Albert Núm. 461 i el municipi rural de Buckland Núm. 491
[modifica]L'àrea fou anomenada pels cree com a kistahpinanihk, traduïble com lloc bonic per a seure,[1]un gran lloc de trobada[2] o lloc de trobada[3] El nom assiniboine és wazíyam wákpa.[4]
El primer home blanc que viatjà a l'àrea que ara és el Prince Albert fou Henry Kelsey en 1692. El primer establiment a la zona va ser un lloc comercial creay el 1776 pel Peter Pond.[5]James Isbister, un empleat anglo-métis de la Companyia de la badia de Hudson, es va instal·lar en el lloc de la ciutat actual en 1862. Hi va conrear fins a 1866, i se li van unir un no