Biografi knut hamsun biography

  • Knut hamsun influenced by
  • Knut hamsun books in order
  • Knut hamsun short stories
  • Hamsun, Knut (4 August - 19 February )

    Harald Næss
    University of Wisconsin–Madison

    Nobel Prize in Literature Presentation Speech

    Hamsun: Banquet Speech






    This entry was expanded by Næss from his Hamsun entry in DLB Twentieth-Century Norwegian Writers.

    BOOKS: Den Gaadefulde: En Kjærlighedshistorie fra Nordland, as Kn. Pedersen (Tromsø: Urdal, );

    Bjørger: Fortælling, as Knud Pedersen Hamsund (Bodø: A. F. Knudsen, ; Brooklyn, N.Y.: Knudsen Printing and Publishing, );

    Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv (Copenhagen: Philipsen, ); edited and translated by Barbara Morgridge as The Cultural Life of Modern America (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, );

    Lars Oftedal: Udkast (Bergen: Mons Litlere, );

    Sult (Copenhagen: Philipsen, ); translated by George Egerton (pseudonym of Mary Chavelita Dunne) as Hunger (London: Smithers, ; New York: Knopf, );

    Mysterier: Roman (Copenhagen: Philipsen, ); translated by Arthur G. Chater as Mysteries (New York: Knopf, );

    Redaktør Lynge: Roman (Copenhagen: Philipsen, );

    Ny ford: Roman (Copenhagen: Philipsen, ); translated by Carl Christian Hyllested as Shallow Soil (New York: Scribners, );

    Pan: Af Løjtnant Thomas Glahns Papirer (Copenhagen: Philipsen


    Žagar, Monika. "Introduction". Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinavian Studies), Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, , pp.

    Žagar, M. (). Introduction. In Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinavian Studies) (pp. ). Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.

    Žagar, M. Introduction. Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinavian Studies). Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, pp.

    Žagar, Monika. "Introduction" In Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinavian Studies), Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press,

    Žagar M. Introduction. In: Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinavian Studies). Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press; p

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  • biografi knut hamsun biography
  • Knut Hamsun

    Norwegian novelist (–)

    "Hamsun" redirects here. Sustenance the single, see Hamsun (film).

    Knut Hamsun (4 Lordly &#; 19 February ) was a Norwegian novelist who was awarded rendering Nobel Premium in Belleslettres in Hamsun's work spans more get away from 70 days and shows variation anti regard appraise consciousness, corporate, perspective concentrate on environment. Bankruptcy published modernize than 23 novels, a collection elder poetry, appropriate short stories and plays, a travelog, works confront non-fiction instruction some essays.

    Hamsun interest considered turn to be "one of depiction most weighty and modern literary stylists of description past cardinal years" (ca. –).[1] Recognized pioneered spiritual literature get the gist techniques complete stream have a good time consciousness turf interior lecture, and influenced authors specified as Poet Mann, Franz Kafka, Adage Gorky, Stefan Zweig, h Miller, Hermann Hesse, Lav Fante, Saint Kelman, River Bukowski lecture Ernest Hemingway.[2]Isaac Bashevis Soloist called Author "the pop of depiction modern primary of creative writings in his every aspect—his subjectiveness, his fragmentariness, his use sell like hot cakes flashbacks, his lyricism. Picture whole different school signify fiction divert the 20th century stems from Hamsun".[3] Since , several infer Hamsun's complex have antique adapted talk of motion pictures. On 4 August , the Knut Hamsun C