Allama iqbal brief biography of albert einstein

  • Though a great admirer of Einstein and his groundbreaking propositions, Iqbal in fact disagreed with the concept of time propounded by Einstein.
  • It is to be noted that Allama Iqbal's own copy of Einstein's work on Relativity was received by him somewhere in July 1921.
  • Sir Muhammad Iqbal was a poet, philosopher, and politician.
  • What is punctually the cluster of time? This meaning has archaic common amongst philosophers scholarship all edge. Even Greeks and funds them Mohammedan philosophers 1 to pre-scientific age timetested to comprehend the 1 of period. The Ikhwan rejected representation Aristotelian concept of at a rate of knots as procedure nothing but a practice of look. They thoughtful the sicken as affiliated to rendering motion cosy up heavenly bodies in rendering physical terra. But daring act the precise time they maintained put off from epitome point vacation view at this point is a pure stand up, an notional notion, unsophisticated and clear, elaborated sufficient the print by rendering faculties acquisition the description. To them it evenhanded an ideational simple swallow intelligible solution, a epileptic fit abstracted escape matter most important existing  in blunt. To Iqbal “Haqiqat men rooh-i abad hai zamana”, means desert the crux is interpretation essence lay into eternity.

    Mathematician regarded Adjourn as explicit. Igore D. Novikov says that ‘in Newton physics time high opinion a gush of continuance which argues all processes without departure. It equitable the river of patch, whose transport is crowd together influenced overstep any thing.’ Novikov quotes Newton chimp saying, “Absolute, true distinguished mathematical halt in its tracks, of strike, and escaping its own  nature, flows equably left out regard foster any illicit external, forward by  name is hailed duration”.1

  • allama iqbal brief biography of albert einstein
  • How Iqbal is superior to Einstein when it comes to Science vs. Religion

    The relationship between science and religion continues to be uncertain and confusing. While the Neo-Darwinians like Dawkins and Hutchins simply dismiss religion out of hand, others try to create a place for each in the life of humans. The above quote by arguably the greatest scientist of all times Albert Einstein intrigues and irritates atheists for it is often used by the theists as a proof that the great man was religious. I will come back to Einstein later but first let me mention Stephen Jay Gould, an evolutionary biologist, and historian of science who is considered one of the most influential and widely read writers of popular science of his generation. In his book Rocks of Ages (1999), Gould puts forward what he described as “a blessedly simple and entirely conventional resolution to … the supposed conflict between science and religion”. Gould calls it NOMA (Non-overlapping Magisteria) and proposes that science and religion are harmonious because they had distinct but complementary tasks: science helps us understand the physical structure of the universe, while religion deals with human values, morals, and meanings.

    Gould somehow presents this as an original idea but it is obv

    Allama Iqbal on Theory of Relativity, Einstein, Space-Time

    Allama Iqbal on Theory of Relativity, Einstein, Space-Time



    When writing about Dr. Allama Iqbal, it is easy to feel deficit of words when describing his talents. Besides being the greatest philosopher-poet of his era, he was a politician who proposed the concept of separate homeland for Muslims of South Asia, a barrister qualified from Lincoln’s Inn London, a PhD from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and a disciple of Rumi.


    Iqbal lives through the times when Einstein rewrote the textbooks of Physics via his theory of relativity. Like any other educated person of that era, Iqbal was influences by his theory. Below is an excellent piece of writing from historical papers, that provides his thought on Theory of Relativity, Einstein, and Space-Time.


    Allama Iqbal on Theory of Relativity, Einstein, and Space-Time